
Past Events

2024 Annual Fish Creek Provincial Park - Rainbow Redd Survey on Fish Creek

Thanks to Friends of Fish Creek for organizing this important event. This year we only reported one fish and three redds because the water is still too cold - Priddis Creek was just 3°C and Fish Creek was 6°C.  However, flow rates are very favorable this Spring compared to the past couple of years.

Five people wearing rubber boots stand at the creek side. One is crouched down to measure the creek temperature. Another is recording data on a mobile device.
Volunteers collecting data on May 4, 2024
A photo of creek water flowing over clean gravel on the creek bed, which is clearly visible through the water.
Clean gravel in moving water indicates redd activity

What is the Rainbow Redd Survey?
"Trout are gravel nest spawners, with female trout and salmon excavating a nest, called a redd, where they deposit eggs. These are fertilized by one or more male trout or salmon, then covered by gravel. By counting and mapping the number and distribution of redds, we can answer questions about trout populations and spawning habitat in Fish Creek Provincial Park. Trout are indicator species for healthy streams, as they require cool, clean and connected watersheds to survive. As different trout species spawn at different times, we count the number of rainbow trout redds every May, and the number of brown trout redds every November. At the same time, we map beaver dams and recreational rock dams to examine their interaction with spawning." - Friends of Fish Creek

2024 Annual FCWA Community Information Session

Our speakers:

Jim Stelfox, a fisheries biologist (now retired), talked about what's threatening our fishery.

Pam Kuipers, from the Cows and Fish Riparian Management Society, explained why beavers are important for keeping our creeks healthy, especially during droughts.

Suzanne Oel, Division 4 Councillor, talked about drought preparedness within the county.

Brooke Kapeller, from the Bow River Basin Council, provided details about collaboration on the Upper Fish Creek State of the Watershed Report

We also provided information on:

FWCA 2024 Annual Community Information Session

2023 Annual Fish Creek Provincial Park - Rainbow Redd Survey on Fish Creek

FCWA members frequently volunteer at the Rainbow Redd Survey on Fish Creek, which is put on annual by Friends of Fish Creek Provincial Park Society.

Results from the 2023 Rainbow Redd Survey on Fish Creek. Each fish icon represents an observed trout redd.

2023 Cows and Fish Community Creek Walk

Information and activities were lead by Trout Unlimited biologist Elliot Lindsay.

The event was hosted by FCWA at Priddis Creek Estates.

2023 Cows and Fish Community Creek Walk
Photo credits: Cows and Fish

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